Sustainability-focused magazines cover Gettliffe’s ideals, accomplishments

Boulder, Colorado -(December 4th, 2007)- French and Belgian magazines covered the work of Gettliffe Architecture, and its Principal Dominique Gettliffe, in recent articles about the American West, Boulder, and the innovative and ecological spirit that exemplifies architecture and design here.

The magazines were Imagine, a Belgian magazine dedicated to the foundation of a sustainable society, and Urbaine, a French/German publication that covers urban design issues from a grass-roots standpoint in Europe and abroad. Both have distributions in bookstores and kiosks across Belgium, France, and Germany.

The articles were written by Violaine Meurens, a Belgian architect and critic who was in Colorado covering architectural sustainability and the dynamism of the frontier mentality that the Front Range engenders. She spent time in Boulder, one of the world-leading cities in ecological sustainability, and studied a range of architects, artists, and designers living and developing the ideals of ‘sustainability.’ The artist she chose to feature in her articles was Jerry Wingren, a Swedish-born Gold Hill resident whose sculptures in wood and granite are exhibited worldwide. The architects she covered were Dominique Gettliffe and Tim Pickard of Monopole Design, Inc.

Gettliffe Architecture is not un-used to an international role. They offer services internationally as well as locally, including eco-tourism facility design, with a particular interest in indigenous community-building projects. Part of their research included a trip to the Global Eco-Tourism Conference in Oslo, Norway. They have two decades of experience in sustainable design, passive heating and cooling, the use of natural daylighting, and connections to nature to create spaces which are a delight to experience. The firm also has international experience and staff, and is currently able to offer architectural services in Spanish, French and English. Translations of the website are currently under way.

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